Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Boring Day

As you know, my school has a two hour delay this morning, normally I find this a wonderful occurrence, not so much today though, why? Simple. Because no one was home today, meaning there was no one around to let me know it was a two hour delay, so I wake up at six, take a shower(after letting the dog out in freezing cold weather with just boxers on), brush my teeth, then check the machine. There's a delay, by this point I can't get back to sleep, so I can already feel it's going to be a long day.

Anyway, Friday I spent the night at a buddies house with some friends to hang out play some video games, ping pong, eat a ton of food and do whatever. Well, one of the kids we had never had over before, he's pretty cool at school so we had him come over... Completely different person, this kid is off the wall bonkers. He eats an entire box of cheese-its, a box of granola bars, drinks 7 mountain dews(he'll probably end up with kidney problems), and half a bottle of some delicious minute maid blueberry pomegranate juice. Well, we thought he drank half of it, turns out he had spilled like half of it on the floor without telling anyone. So the next day after we've all left, Kevin checks out the damages to his basement after all the festivities, that's when he finds out that there was juice spilled everywhere. We really have no idea when it could've happened because it didn't happen when we were awake and we all went to bed at 5:40, and woke up at 10. Leaving roughly a 5 hour time frame for him to wake up, and spill juice everywhere. Kid didn't come to school today either, so we have no idea what the hell happened.

Aside from that though, there's not really anything that happened today, just the usual school work. Oh, some of the kids in one of my classes got a ton of stuff stolen while our class was out doing anything, kind of strange. Just more reason for you to keep valuables on you rather than in your book bags though.

However, now I need to go shovel the driveway because it's been snowing for like the past three days. Have a good day everyone.

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